Very sporadic left-wing hackery from the world's laziest blogger

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging

Diego crashes after a night of debauchery in various opium dens by the lakefront.

Jackson looks smug. He has just returned from a liaison with his prostitute girlfriend and is well satisfied.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

But it has long since gone away. Hooray.

People I work with are prattling on, still, about Paris Hilton. Meanwhile, through Atrios feeding through Campaign for America's Future, I find out about this:

In September 2006, a group of African American high school students in Jena, Louisiana, asked the school for permission to sit beneath a "whites only" shade tree. There was an unwritten rule that blacks couldn't sit beneath the tree. The school said they didn't care where students sat. The next day, students arrived at school to see three nooses (in school colors) hanging from the tree.

The boys who hung the nooses were suspended from school for a few days. The school administration chalked it up as a harmless prank, but Jena's black population didn't take it so lightly. Fights and unrest started breaking out at school. The District Attorney, Reed Walters, was called in to directly address black students at the school and told them all he could "end their life with a stroke of the pen."

Black students were assaulted at white parties. A white man drew a loaded rifle on three black teens at a local convenience store. (They wrestled it from him and ran away.) Someone tried to burn down the school, and on December 4th, a fight broke out that led to six black students being charged with attempted murder. To his word, the D.A. pushed for maximum charges, which carry sentences of eighty years. Four of the six are being tried as adults (ages 17 & 18) and two are juveniles.

Much like the ongoing domestic, Christian-based terrorism aimed at abortion clinics, the existence of ugly, practical day-to-day racism is almost totally absent from our media or national discussion. Racism is a problem that has been solved, so how could there be any meaningful discussion of it? Meanwhile, voter fraud "reform" advocates try mightily to target minorities. War supporters and other assorted wingnuts cower in fear over the inevitable brown takeover of the world.

Racism helps to feed what is left of the odious Republican "base." The people who hang nooses from trees aimed at black students at a high school are the same people who enable the corrupt modern Republican party. They must be so very proud.

ADDENDUM: Let us not forget the lovely imagery conjured up by immigration "reform" advocates. Clearly, racism is dead.

It's like living in the '70s all over again

Here is a surprise...the White House is refusing to answer subpoenas.

Not much to say about it. I think everyone had to know this was coming. I can only hope that the real reasons for these investigations aren't lost in the constitutional fights to come. Otherwise the effects of the US Attorney purge and the attempt to gin up voter fraud therein will continue, regardless of the outcome of the upcoming confrontation.

A Figure of Fun

In one of my first posts, I mentioned the tiresome task of having to read tiresome "intellectuals" like the tiresome Jonah Goldberg. I think I may have to rescind that statement-his upcoming book looks like it will be brilliant comedy Iif in fact it is ever finished, or indeed, even started).

My favorite part of yesterday's blogospheric Jonah-kicking was his detailed, careful response to the fact that John Mackey is in fact a Libertarian:

He doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about (oh, and it's not like it's news to me that the owner of Whole Foods is a self-described libertarian but maybe the German obsession with organic food and environmentalism, for two examples, is news to Plumer). But that's okay, it's what I expected. To be continued, when the book comes out.

Breathtaking. A tortured, inane connection between German environmentalists, liberals and facism. I assume he is talking about 19th century German romanticism and its connection to the Nazis. Or something. In any case, now that this iron-clad connection has been made, I know that liberals like myself have been subconciously preparing for a supermarket Putsch. I can hardly wait.

The longer this book festers without being finished or published, the better it will have to be to avoid total ridicule. So many people are going to pick this thing clean that less talented writers like myself are going to have trouble getting in on the feeding frenzy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am a really lame blogger

I haven't had content in days. I will rectify this situation tomorrow, with more inane commentary on subjects I have no expertise in. I bet all none of my readers can hardly wait.