Very sporadic left-wing hackery from the world's laziest blogger

Friday, June 8, 2007

Republicans are awesome

Or, in any case, conservatives are. As this proves. What absolute tripe.

Whatever anyone's beliefs about the Iraq war, making the comparison of Libby to a fallen soldier is repugnant. There are actual soldiers facing actual bullets, losing actual limbs and actually dying, everyday. Scooter Libby, by contrast, is a political hack, working in an office in America. He didn't bravely face down a horde of marauding Janissaries. He lied to a prosecutor to keep his bosses from looking bad. If his life is "ruined," well, he had other choices. In any case, the "hardships" poor Scooter will face in minimum-security prison will still be vastly safer than even the safest parts of Baghdad. And I'm sure that there will be plenty of well-paid opportunities in the private sector upon his release. Conservative plutocrats all over the nation will welcome such a faithful operative with open arms, methinks. Whereas the soldiers Ajami compares him to will have far harder roads to travel when they get home, what with their missing limbs, or PTSD, etc.

I shudder to think what the caterwauling and howling would be like if all of this swirled around a Democratic President. But now that the rule of law conservatives say they love so much is being applied one of their own, conservatives like Ajami are doing cartwheels to portray this two-bit monkeyshines courtier as a ruddy-faced, brawny-chested warrior who was merely doing his duty as a patriot and is being brought down by petty jealous rivals (and incidentally, I just love the little sad-face picture of Scooter, it really makes it for me). I know that for some reason conservatives believe that this "fallen soldier" needs to be pardoned. Just to reiterate what others have stated before, the American public is not following you down that road. The attempt to attach Libby to true casualties of war would be laughable, if it weren't so crude. Conservatives are becoming more and more deranged. I'm sorry that I am simply ranting, but, really crap like this is just flat-out crazy.

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