Very sporadic left-wing hackery from the world's laziest blogger

Monday, June 18, 2007

Christian Charity

I am back from a week's absence, due to a ripping bad sore throat/fever thing I got from that petrie dish of an office that I work in. I tried to get up and blog a few times that week, between thrashing around in my bed in a pool of acrid sweat, with visions of nude Condoleeza Rice can-can lines dancing maniacally through my head. But I just didn't have the strength. Does that make me the world's lamest blogger? (I would contend that it is my weak, incoherent content, but this couldn't have helped).

Anyway, I am going to ease back into things here...

This, from Talk to Action:

The stacks of information about those worthy of consideration for Theocrat of the Week -- can get very high. But this week Our Distinguished Panel of Judges did not get far down the pile when they recognized the winners and stopped the competition.

Our winners this week plan to reenact the the actions of theocratic martyr Paul Hill next month in Milwaukee. On July 29, 1994 Paul Hill, who sought to set a good example for Christian theocratic revolutionaries, assasinated abortion provider Dr. John Britton and James Barrett one of his escorts, and seriously wounding another, June Barrett, outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida.

George L. Wilson of Children Need Heroes and Drew Heiss of Street Preach are planning to honor Paul Hill in a series of events called "Paul Hill Days" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 26th - 29th -- "to honor him as God's man and our hero."
Why Milwaukee? Why not? There are people here who recognize Paul Hill as a hero, and we would love to welcome others from around the country who share our belief. Hopefully, in the future, others will host events in their cities.

Planned events include:

Activities at our two remaining killing centers

Literature distribution

Ministry at the Federal Courthouse

Reenactment of 7-29-1994

Paul Hill March

Ministry at other public forums

It should be noted that George L. Wilson, the proprietor of Children Needs Heroes, recognizes two other heroes he believes America's children should learn about: Shelly Shannon, who was convicted of the attempted assasination of Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas, among other serious crimes, including a series of arsons; and of course, James Kopp, who was convicted in the sniper assasination of Dr. Barnett Slepian in Amherst, New York. Kopp is also the chief suspect in several other shootings.

All three are recognized as Heroes of the Faith by the Army of God, members of which are likely to be on hand for the festivities.

This is jaw-dropping. There is going to be a celebration of home-grown terrorism, with a wonderful Christian bent. From the culture of life. This inspires awe in me. it really, really does. This naked disregard for life is nothing new, of course, and the hypocrisy of this kind of violence-celebrating hate-mongering is well noted in the blogosphere (if not the MSM, who assiduously avoid ever equating terrorists with good Christians). This kind of self-righteous posturing and celebrating of violence is part and parcel of the Christianists, and their benefactors look on with approval. It was exactly this kind of Christian hypocrisy that started my political awakening and pushed me to the left, back in the Reagan 80s, when they were just beginning to flex their muscles.

But this is more than just academic to me. I live in Milwaukee. This is personal, as I see it, an affront to the liberal traditions that long guided it's history. And even if you don't see that part of Milwaukee as valuable, the idea that this sleazy happening is coming here, and that they chose here to make this stand on behalf of domestic terrorism, is still appalling. Apparently, they think Milwaukee is filled with yokels slack-jawed enough to celebrate this kind of guns-n-Jesus idiocy (I especially love the "re-enactment." Perhaps Milwaukee can host re-enactments of other religiously-motivated killings for appreciative audiences-July 6, 1415 comes to mind.) At a time when our self-appointed daddy-leaders are foaming at the mouth to kill as many barbaric Muslims as they can have others bomb, the idea that this is mainstream Christianity is sickening.

I haven't heard of any kinds of counter-demonstration to this point. Obviously, in deference to the 1st Amendment the show can't be stopped, and that wouldn't help anyway, it would just add to their never-ending persecution complex. If anyone reads this, is there any place to potentially organize a counter rally or some such thing?

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